This Cause Stomach Acid Increases
Jakarta, increasing stomach acid usually felt they are natural stress. But it should be remembered that the rise of stomach acid does not necessarily cause mag, but more result of gastroesophageal reflux, where the contents of the stomach flow once more into the esophagus. Well, it is necessary to know a lot of things that can lead to increased stomach acid. What are they? Explained Dr. Benny Philippi, Sp. B-KBD from Mayapada Hospital South Jakarta, during gastroesophageal reflux, can feel pain due to more acid contents of the stomach. This flow will also more easily rise up or increase when after eating people who relate immediately to sleep. "" So people who have this reflux disease are advised not to go to bed soon after eating. So yes the following can be mentioned which causes the stomach acid to increase. No matter what the bed is like. Because it will also keep this acid easier to increase. So there is no relationship how the bed is like, "" said Dr. Benny who practiced in RS Carolus and RS Family Partner Kelapa Gading. Contacted separately, Dr. T Bahdar Johan, SpPD said the addition of stomach acid takes place due to stress and consumption of drugs that lower stomach pH, eg tetracyclin HCl. But it is necessary to know, if the defensive aspect so well, stress will not cause mag pain. This is evidenced if not most people who experienced stress certainly bear the pain of mag sickness. "After a short meal it is more likely to be prone to Gastro Eesophagitis Reflux Disease (GERD) disease, because the force of gravity, the time lying in the stomach acid and the food being made in the stomach, may melt into the esophagus, but the bed has no effect on the production of stomach acid , "he said.In addition, experts in internal medicine, Dr. H. Ari Fahrial Syam Sp .. PD KGEH FINASIM FACP MMB explain stress, sleep deprivation, and fatigue so aspect of increased stomach acid." "Umpamanya want exams or family problems Can also be caused by illness, for example painkillers that cause pain.It can also be coffee, if very much coffee consumption.It can also because there are germs, consumption of acid foods, foods that contain gas such as cabbage, mustard, alcoholic beverages, or drinks that contain soda, "" he said.Not only that, lack of sleep can also cause stomach acid so too much, to be able to up to the throat. This kind of thing causes choking and can make a person breathless. Dr. Ari also recommends that one go to sleep after two hours passes from the time of eating. Because if done less than two hours can cause stomach problems. "" There is really no special place (to avoid the rise of stomach acid), it's just for people who have stomach acid is advised to use only one pillow, "" said this bespectacled man. (vta / vit)